The Zugspitze thrones right above Garmisch-Partenkirchen and marks Germany’s highest peak at 2962 meters above sea-level. Ascending the main summit opens up new perspectives in the truest sense of the word, as you will only be able to experience Germany’s most breathtaking summit panorama from the highest spot. The ascent is always carefully prepared and individually organized by our professional team of state certified mountain guides. Each participant will be secured consistently from the main visitor’s platform all the way to the actual summit and back. Each ascent will be carried out after an extensive individual safety instruction. Therefore the ascent is even possible at rough conditions such as ice and snow.


Experience water in whole new way and let the sport of canyoning fascinate you. You’re continuously following the flow of the water, through steep sections, waterfalls, pools, passing scenic views and collecting unique impressions. Equipped like a mountain guide and wrapped in wetsuits you can face any obstacle in your way. The Bavarian Alps between Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Reutte in Tyrol enable us to experience stunning gorges close up. Follow the flow of the stream by abseiling, jumping, sliding or swimming through the refreshing crystal-clear waters of our canyons. Of course, our professional mountain guides with the additional qualification “Canyoning” will guide you safely.


How do we reach our goal or where do we find the hidden treasure? Equipped with a GPS device and topographical maps and after a short introduction you will be on your way. Proper sense of orientation, good communication, teamwork and a little bit of luck are key factors to reach the goal successfully.


The participants will have to find a solution on how to build a floating raft on one of the most beautiful lakes in the Alps. So that everybody can profit from the final product, the group needs to work together properly, take care of each individuals’ needs and distribute the tasks. The result, a floating raft, will be tested and celebrated accordingly after a „duck-hunt“ on the lake.


The task for the team is to build various stations and transitions and connect them to a functioning chain reaction. Different types of materials are provided and can be used to build the complex Rube Goldberg machine. Each team is responsible for their station consisting of a given number of complex actions. The participants need to communicate with one another in order for each station being connected and the chain reaction to function properly. Only if everything is connected the marble reaches the finish line successfully. This task demands communication skills, creativity and an understanding for complex interrelations.

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The team is forming a large ice-block into a piece of art with their own hands and by their own guidelines. After an introduction, each participant gets their ice carving tools and the chance to spark your creativity. The main design theme will be discussed previously before the team decides what object they want the 60-kg ice-block to become. The tasks will be distributed within the teams: designer, engineers and marketing specialists are required for example. Everybody gets to work on the sculpture to make it ready for the illuminated vernissage right afterwards.


Whether it is the team-knot or the ward-exercise, everybody is cooperating. For it, the participants need to follow their trainer’s instructions and coordinate their actions with the team, because communication is everything!


In a hostile and meager environment, it is the team’s ambition to build a common basis. Therefore, the participants need to plan the various tasks, look after the different needs and moods of each other, so that everybody gets to profit from the collective work and celebrate the achievement in the igloo with a warm cup of “Glühwein”.


Just like in business life, being able to solve complex problems is key in this team-exercise. The river needs to be crossed. Ropes, carabiners and various cords can be used when the teams are instructed on how to build their own bridges by the Vivalpin mountain guides. The next challenge is right ahead. Will the team be able to cross the 2 rope crosisng? Mutual motivation and trust will be required to cross the strange construction. But teamwork makes anything happen and gets each participant dry across the river.

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